Iron Infusion

We are glad to announce the introduction of Iron infusion service at our sister clinic in Somerville street, Flora Hill. It`s recommended for those with iron deficiency anemia not responding to oral therapy. You will need to discuss the benefits and risks with the Doctor before booking for the iron infusion. A referral letter with all the relevant results, medical history and medications is required from your GP. Appointments available via phone or online booking via the website:
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MoleMap & Aesthetic services

We are pleased to announce the opening our sister clinic; Somerville Street Clinic The clinic is equipped with the latest technology in skin cancer diagnosis & treatment along with providing a wide range of cosmetic skin services: Skin cancer checks & total body mapping Skin cancer treatments including excisions and flap surgery Cosmetic services including scar and acne treatments, facial rejuvenation, anti-wrinkle injections , dermal fillers & lip augmentation. For more information on this service, visit us at Bendigo Cosmetics All treatments are performed by our highly trained Doctors & Nurses, under the supervision of Dr Georgeos and Dr More
Yellow Fever Vaccine

If you are travelling to Africa, the Caribbean, Central or South America, you should be aware of the risk of yellow fever virus transmission and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from infection. Yellow fever is a viral disease that is transmitted primarily by mosquitoes. Yellow fever can lead to serious illness and even death. It is called ‘yellow fever’ because in serious cases, the skin turns yellow in colour. This is known as ‘jaundice’. Yellow fever is a quarantinable disease in Australia. If you have travelled through a yellow fever declared country, and you do not have More

If you have symptoms like chronic cough, wheeze, shortness of breath, or if you have been a smoker for a while and concerned about your health or if there is a family history of asthma and allergies then you may benefit from the spirometry. Spirometer is a very useful device, it is used to measure timed expired and inspired volumes, and from these we can calculate how effectively and how quickly the lungs can be emptied and filled. It is usually performed by the practice nurse and interpreted by one of our doctors. These measurements can indicate the condition More