Tag Archives: featured service
We are located behind Kennington Amcal Pharmacy.
Dorevitch Pathology

Opening Hours : MON & WED : 9am -12pm . Onsite pathology collection for most of the requested investigations is both very essential and convenient for patient care and provides fast access to results which assists in early diagnosis and management of many health conditions. To check the results of investigations requested by our doctors please call the clinic between 1-2 pm. ECG Testing available.
Aged Care
Medical care of the elderly can be challenging at times, whether this is at home or at a Residential Aged Care Facility. Our doctors at the Lowndes Street Clinic have the passion to work with the elderly providing them appropriate care of the highest standards, regardless of where they are living. Our aim is to improve the quality of life by optimising the care to support living at home, and if needed, we continue to provide this care within the Residential Aged Care Facilities. Some of our key doctors provide regular visits to most Aged Care Facilities in Bendigo, offering More