- Fully computerised clinic which means no lost paper files; all your information is safe and easily accessible.
- Trained nurses to assist doctors and patients.
- Specialized Doctors to provide the best available advice and eventually better care.
- The clinic Bulk bills most appointments with no out of pocket costs involved.
- Most skin cancer procedures are done at the clinic which is fully equipped for these surgeries and hence no need to wait long times to see specialists or to go to hospital.
- Doctors provide regular nursing home visits and sometimes home visit, by doctor discretion.
- Many essential services are conveniently available on site or in the close vicinity like pathology collection, ECG, spirometery, pharmacy, dietitian and physiotherapy.
- You can choose a doctor and stick with them to follow through with your health problems. Continuity of care is very important. Valuable information may be lost and important follow up forgotten when swapping and changing doctors frequently.
- A patient recall system to ensure patients services ( like Health assessments / vaccinations/ pap smears …) are regularly provided & updated when due.